Active Assisted Living

Fachhochschule St. Gallen
Institut für Altersforschung IAF-FHS
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen

Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch
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+41 71 226 18 81


Fachhochschule St Gallen
Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft IPW-FHS
Fachstelle Demenz
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen

Prof. Dr. Heidi Zeller
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+41 71 226 15 03

Arbeit 45+

Berner Fachhochschule
Institut Alter
Schwarztorstrasse 48
3007 Bern

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett
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+41 31 848 37 25

Prof. Dr. Peter Neuenschwander
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+41 31 848 36 87

Ageing & Living

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit
Institut Integration und Partizipation
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten

Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus R. Schroeter
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+41 62 957 23 18

Andreas Pfeuffer, MA
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+41 62 957 28 15


FHS St. Gallen
Institut für Altersforschung IAF-FHS
Rosenbergstrasse 59
9001 St. Gallen

Projektleitung AGE-NT:
Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch
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+41 71 226 18 81

Projektkoordination AGE-NT:
Angelika Inge Studer
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+41 71 226 14 85

Focus areas of AGE-NT

Active Assisted Living (AAL)

The FHS St.Gallen and the University of Geneva are working together to build a “LivingLab 65+” in order to perform long-term testing of the technical-assistance systems in the natural living environment of the end users. Previously, such testing could only be carried out on a short-term basis and in an artificial laboratory setting. The objective is to test and optimise new technological innovations in the area of AAL. This is intended to ensure that people aged 65 and above can remain living independently at home for as long as possible, enjoying a high quality of life and a high sense of safety. Various AAL technologies are being researched. Knowledge transfer takes place via public exhibitions, scientific symposia and specialist conferences.

Living with dementia

The FHS St.Gallen is developing a knowledge platform for the Competence Centre Dementia Care, which, in particular, will provide people affected by dementia, the relatives caring for them and other interested parties with access to information on the latest findings, projects and methods for dealing with dementia. In cooperation with national experts and institutes, the demand for future user-centric technology for people with dementia will be established, and a Future Dementia Care Lab will be designed and set up at the FHS St.Gallen, with the aim of improving technical training and technical teaching in basic and further training in the field of nursing.

Models for the 45+ labour market

The Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and the University of Bern will apply innovative, practical approaches to develop a viable knowledge base that can be used to design work structures and working conditions adapted to older employees. This knowledge base will be available to all involved parties as well as to the general public. The project will shed light on the relevant issues from the point of view of employees aged 45 and above, from the point of view of employers, and from a societal point of view. It will be steered and supported by an Expert Committee comprising representatives from major companies, SMEs and Swiss federal agencies.

Ageing and Living in Place (ALiP)

The FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland documents and analyses the living situations and social relationships of elderly and ageing people as well as those of their relatives, in their own social and spatial environment. To this end, the FHNW is conducting an ageing survey across Switzerland in order to create a digital ageing atlas. The aim of these measures is to establish, in cooperation with representatives from politics and practice, future-proof concepts and models for age-appropriate living and housing based on robust data, and to facilitate responsible planning and decision-making.