Fachhochschule St. Gallen
Institut für Altersforschung IAF-FHS
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen
Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch
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+41 71 226 18 81
Fachhochschule St Gallen
Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft IPW-FHS
Fachstelle Demenz
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen
Prof. Dr. Heidi Zeller
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+41 71 226 15 03
Berner Fachhochschule
Institut Alter
Schwarztorstrasse 48
3007 Bern
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett
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+41 31 848 37 25
Prof. Dr. Peter Neuenschwander
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+41 31 848 36 87
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit
Institut Integration und Partizipation
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten
Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus R. Schroeter
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+41 62 957 23 18
Andreas Pfeuffer, MA
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+41 62 957 28 15
FHS St. Gallen
Institut für Altersforschung IAF-FHS
Rosenbergstrasse 59
9001 St. Gallen
Projektleitung AGE-NT:
Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch
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+41 71 226 18 81
Projektkoordination AGE-NT:
Angelika Inge Studer
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+41 71 226 14 85
The national innovation network Age and Ageing in Society (AGE-NT) is being established on behalf of the Schweizerische Hochschulkonferenz (Swiss conference of higher-education institutions). In March 2017, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) granted project-related funding amounting to almost CHF 4 million, which are matched by contributions from the participating universities of applied sciences and universities.
The aim of the project is to facilitate a structured approach to consolidating research into the topic of age and ageing, which is currently uncoordinated, with research projects competing against each other. The project therefore aims to establish sustainable structures for research activities, thus creating national and international added value for research and practice in Switzerland.
The project not only comprises research and development projects in the following four areas of competence/focus areas:
It also places great emphasis on developing and establishing sustainable educational opportunities, and on supporting young academics with doctoral colloquia.
The project aims to transform the AGE-NT network into an independent institution that will no longer be dependent on federal funds by 2021.
The project will run from 2017 to 2020.