Fachhochschule St. Gallen
Institut für Altersforschung IAF-FHS
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen
Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch
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+41 71 226 18 81
Fachhochschule St Gallen
Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft IPW-FHS
Fachstelle Demenz
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen
Prof. Dr. Heidi Zeller
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+41 71 226 15 03
Berner Fachhochschule
Institut Alter
Schwarztorstrasse 48
3007 Bern
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett
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+41 31 848 37 25
Prof. Dr. Peter Neuenschwander
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+41 31 848 36 87
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit
Institut Integration und Partizipation
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten
Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus R. Schroeter
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+41 62 957 23 18
Andreas Pfeuffer, MA
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+41 62 957 28 15
FHS St. Gallen
Institut für Altersforschung IAF-FHS
Rosenbergstrasse 59
9001 St. Gallen
Projektleitung AGE-NT:
Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch
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+41 71 226 18 81
Projektkoordination AGE-NT:
Angelika Inge Studer
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+41 71 226 14 85
Principles of age-friendly social policy
The FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland documents and analyses the living situations, quality of life, and life satisfaction of elderly and ageing people as well as those of their relatives, in their own social and spatial environment, in order to develop and establish socially acceptable, future-proof concepts for age-appropriate housing in cooperation with practitioners.
The foundation of this work is the Ageing Survey Project, which aims to record both the objectively experienced and subjectively evaluated living conditions and living situations of elderly and ageing people as well as those of their relatives. This will provide reliable data for reporting on age-related issues and social issues that is focused on quality of life and life satisfaction, thus laying the essential foundation for responsible planning and decision-making by public authorities and institutions.
Furthermore, the demographic change and the socio-spatial and living-situation-specific dimensions of this change will be depicted in a digital ageing atlas by way of a map of the ageing society, presenting the issue in an interactive way that can be easily understood.
The focus is on the following topics: